
JAF DeeJay (Filter)

Full Range Lowpass Highpass Filter

This is a filer effect by request from some DJs, who usually use filters excessively in their mixes, spiceing up transitions.

The JAX DeeJay is able to fade between lowpass and highpass seemlessly, whitout the gap around the center point. It comes with the most of the analog modeled filters from our flagship filters, the JAX Collection. These filters were optimized for supporting full range adjustment of the cutoff parameter, which technically was quite difficult to solve.


What's this ???








This Audio Unit, a filter, part of our JAF Series, is specialized for continuously fading the processed audio signal seamlessly between lowpass and highpass in performance situations. 

The center position of the cutoff will pass thru the unfiltered sound. A tube like saturation effect can be applied too. The particular feature of fading between low and high frequency is often asked by DJs for their special purposes, but only few products actually will offer such essential feature directly or even at all. Building own filter setups with 2 independent filters usually can be problematic for allot of possible reasons.

Our unit comes with 12 different selectable none-linear filter characteristics that are well known from our flagship product, the “JAF Collection”. These filters are modelled after ancient hardware filters from the golden age of analog synthesizer technology and will deliver unreached authenticity with all the quirks. They were initially thought for freshing up digital audio material and creative usage. 

The filters all support fine-tuned “peak” and “drive” parameters and therefore will have a great amount of sonic variability. The drive will add tube like saturation to the filter models but also will touch the internal filter characteristics. Most of the models have high resonance and in fact can act as tone generators due to their ability of self oscillation. 

We overworked each single filter model carefully for supporting the analog style continuous fading between lowpass and highpass, which is technically difficult to solve. Special attention was applied to the center position, which usually should pass the audio signal untouched for keeping it free of fading artefacts and possible other negative side effects while sweeping the cutoff and turning back to the allpass. 

Our filters are real stereo processing filter units and can produce quite extreme values. They have unmatched sonic qualities, usually not found with common digital filters. This behaviour is intended. We hope, that we can close the gap for all DJ enthusiasts with this release now, giving them a filter plugin, that is easy to use and specialised for applying interesting sounding frequency sweeps to their mixes. 

JAF DeeJay is available exclusively on the Apple platforms.




Read or download the manual for the product in PDF format.





 YouTube video(s) :



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